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We are Craigs Women’s Wealth: Jaimee Thomsen

Jaimee Thomsen

Craigs Women’s Wealth is run by our women advisers around New Zealand, with a vision to empower women of all ages with more confidence and knowledge to start investing or become better investors.

We recently spoke with Jaimee Thomsen one of our investment advisers in Tauranga, and asked her about how she helps her clients, her view of success and some key learnings.

How do you help your clients? Building long term relationships with my clients and helping them achieve their financial goals by putting a solid investment plan in place that they are comfortable with.

What is your why? Empowering my clients with the knowledge and confidence to understand long-term investing and in turn seeing them live a lifestyle they enjoy and having the peace of mind around funding their retirement.

What is the most rewarding part of your job? Meeting and building relationships with clients. I really enjoy hearing my clients’ stories and backgrounds. Everyone I have met has had such a unique story.

Women who inspire you and why? Women who are working on making a better life for themselves and their families, I love seeing personal growth and am fortunate to be surrounded by many women that fall into this category.

What would you say to someone considering investing who perhaps is a bit anxious? It is not as scary and hard as some people may believe, you need to ensure you speak with a professional and ask questions so that you are comfortable. I always spend time educating my clients and let them know I am there to assist and guide them on the journey. Having a good adviser really can make all the difference in the process, we are here as educators and do all the hard work for you so that you can relax knowing that we are looking after your hard earned money.


What are you reading & would you recommend it? Start with why by Simon Sinek; a great read that uses companies everyone knows as examples and explains why some are successful and how mindset and being adaptable creates success.

Most difficult life challenge? Going through a divorce with two young children while in the middle of a university degree, it was the most difficult period of my life however also where a lot of personal growth came from.

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