Doris Wang has been in the financial services industry over a decade. She joined Craigs Investment Partners in 2022. Previously, she has worked for PwC in Auckland, firstly as a tax consultant in the Private Wealth Team and then as an auditor.
After graduating from Xiamen University in 1999, Doris started her career as an auditor in China where she achieved her Chartered Accountancy. She moved to NZ in 2002 where she graduated with an MCom from the University of Auckland, then went on to achieve her NZ Chartered Accountancy – one of the very few people to achieve the distinction in both countries.
Doris now brings her professionalism and consultancy experience with private wealth clients in her investment advice. She enjoys working closely with her clients to structure investment portfolios based on their individual needs, including retirement planning, children’s tertiary education fund planning, and immigration investment services.
穩健投資, 量身定制, 仟裏同行!
Doris 作为 Craigs Investment Partners 财富管理团队成员,专注于为高净值客户提供值得信赖的专业的投资计划服务。她善于倾听客户需求,致力于为客户量身定制投资组合产品,帮助他们实现多种财务目标, 包括退休基金计划,教育基金辅助计划,投资移民辅助计划。
Doris 本科毕业于厦门大学会计系,硕士研究生毕业于奥克兰大学金融会计专业,持有中国注册会计师资格证书及新西兰注册会计师资格证书,曾任职于厦门天健会计师事务所、普华永道会计师事务所奥克兰分所,担任过税务顾问,参与了多家中国及新西兰上市公司的审计工作,具有极高的专业素养和丰富的工作经验。