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The Indian market continues to perform

The Indian market continues to perform

The Indian sharemarket has been a very stronger performer of late, rising more than 20 per cent since the beginning of 2023. That’s well above the return from broader emerging market indices.

In many ways, this success is no surprise. India is home to about a sixth of all the people in the world, having recently overtaken China as the world’s most populous country. It has a relatively stable political backdrop, a youthful population, and a growing consumer sector.

Last year we spoke to Emily Whiting, Executive Director at JPMorgan Indian Investment Trust about the exciting long-term investment opportunity India offers. The reasons to have been optimistic in 2023 remain in place today, and in all likelihood will hold true for years to come.

Re-watch the video below, or on our YouTube channel.

Mark Lister – Investment Director, Craigs Investment Partners
Emily Whiting – Executive Director, JPMorgan Indian Investment Trust

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